All Charities
A Child’s Wish Foundation |
Accion International |
Accuracy in Media |
ACLU |(American Civil Liberties Union) |
Action Against Hunger | USA |
Action on Smoking and Health |
Africa-America Institute |
African Wildlife Foundation |
Africare |
AIDS Research Alliance |
Alan Guttmacher Institute |
Alaska Conservation Foundation |
Alley Cat Allies |
ALM International / American Leprosy Missions |
ALS Association | National Office |
ALSAC | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital |
Alzheimer’s Disease Research, | American Health Assistance
Foundation |
Alzheimer’s Family Relief | American Health Assistance Foundation |
Alzheimer's Association | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related
Disorders Association |
AMC Cancer Research Center |
America Health Assistance Foundation |
America’s Second Harvest |
American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults |
American Association of State Troopers |
American Association of the Deaf-Blind |
American Brain Tumor Association |
American Breast Cancer Foundation |
American Cancer Society |
American Council of the Blind | National Office | National
Office |
American Deputy Sheriff's Association |(ADSA) |
American Diabetes Association |
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research |
American Ex-Prisoners of War Service Foundation |
American Farmland Trust |
American Forests |
American Foundation for AIDS Research |(AMFAR) |
American Foundation for the Blind |
American Friends Service Committee |
American Heart Association |
American Humane Association |
American Indian College Fund |
American Indian Education Foundation |
American Indian Relief Council
American Indian Youth Running Strong |
American Institute for Cancer Research |
American Jewish Committee |
American Jewish Congress |
American Jewish World Service |
American Kidney Fund |
American Liver Foundation |
American Lung Association |
American Lung Association
American Near East Refugee Aid |
American Parkinson's Disease Association |
American Printing House for the Blind |
American Red Cross |
American Refugee Committee |
American Relief Association |
American Rivers |
American SIDs Institute | National Office |
American Social Health Association |
American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |(ASPCA) |
American Stroke Association |
Americans United for Separation of Church and State |
AmeriCares |
Amputee Coalition of America | ACA |
Amnesty International |
AMVETS National Service Foundation |
Animal Legal Defense Fund |
Animal Welfare Institute |
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith |
Arc of the United States | National Office |
Arthritis Foundation |
Arthritis Research Institute of America |
ASPIRA Association | National Office | National Office |
Associated Humane Societies |
Association on American Indian Affairs |
B |
Bat Conservation International |
Best Friends Animal Society |
Big Brothers | Big Sisters of America | National Office |
Blinded Veterans Association |
Bowery Residents’ Committee |
Boy Scouts of America | National Office
Boys and Girls Clubs of America | National Office |
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence |
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence |
Bread for the World |
Breast Cancer Fund |
Breast Cancer Research Foundation |
Brookings Institution |
Brother’s Brother Foundation |
Bush - Clinton Katrina Fund |
C |
Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch and Affiliates |
Camp Fire USA | National Office |
Cancer Care | National Cancer Care Foundation |
Cancer Federation |
Cancer Fund of America |
Cancer Recovery Foundation of America |
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation of America | Cancer
Research Foundation of America |
Cancer Research Institute |
Carolyn A. Miller School, Buduburam, Ghana |
Carter Center |
Catalyst |
Catholic Medical Mission Board |
Catholic Relief Services |
Center for Community Change |
Center for Constitutional Rights |
Center for Science in the Public Interest |
Center for Victims of Torture |
Chesapeake Bay Foundation |
Child Find of America |
Child Welfare League of America |
Childhelp |
Childhood Leukemia Foundation |
Children Incorporated |
Children International |
Children’s Cancer Research Fund |
Children’s Defense Fund |
Children’s Inn at NIH |
Children’s Mercy Fund |
ChildSight |Helen Keller International |
Christian Appalachian Project |
Christian Children’s Fund |
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging |
Christian Record Services |
Christian Relief Services Charities |
Christmas Seals |
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation |
Church World Service |
Citizens Against Government Waste |
City Harvest |
City of Hope | Beckman Research Institute |
Coalition for the Homeless |
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence |
Committee for Missing Children |
Committee to Protect Journalists |
Common Cause |
Compassion International |
Concerns of Police Survivors |
Concord Coalition |
Conservation Fund |
Conservation International Foundation |
Council of Indian Nations |
Covenant House |
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America |
CureSearch | National Childhood Cancer Foundation |
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation &
Reid's Crew, a Link to a Young Child Suffering From
Cystic Fibrosis |
D |
Dakota Indian Foundation |
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation |
Deafness Research Foundation |
Defeat Diabetes Foundation |
Defenders of Wildlife |
DELTA Rescue |
Delta Society |
Diabetes Action Research & Education Foundation |
Diabetes Files |
Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation |
Diabetes Trust Foundation |
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International |
Direct Relief International |
Disabled American Veterans |
Doctors of the World-USA |
Doctors Without Borders USA |
Doris Day Animal League |
Ducks Unlimited |
E |
Earth Island Institute |
Earth Justice |
Easter Seals | National Easter Seal Society |
Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association |
Elephant Sanctuary of Tennessee |
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation |
Engender Health |
Environmental Defense |
Epilepsy Foundation | National Office |
F |
Farm Aid |
Feed the Children |
FINCA International |
Fire Victims | Firefighter’s Charitable Foundation |
Food for Survival |
Food For The Hungry |
Food For The Poor |
Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics |
Foundation Fighting Blindness |
Free Rice |
Freedom from Hunger |
Fresh Air Fund |
Friends of Animals |
Friends of the Earth |
Fund for Animals |
Fund for Peace |
Futures for Children |
G |
Gay Men's Health Crisis |
Gifts in Kind International |
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. | National Office |
Girls and Boys Town | Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home |
Girls, Inc. | National Office |
Give Kids the World |
Global Fund for Women |
Global Hunger Project |
Goodwill Industries International | National Office |
Gorilla Foundation |
Grameen Foundation USA |
Greenpeace, Inc. |
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind |
Guide Dogs for the Blind |
Guide Dogs of America |
Guiding Eyes for the Blind |
H |
Hale House Center |
Heifer Project International |
Helen Keller International |
Helen Keller Services for the Blind |
Help Hospitalized Veterans |
Heritage Foundation |
Hillel Foundation | B'nai B'rith International |
Hispanic Scholarship Fund |
Hole in the Wall Gang Fund |
Human Rights Campaign |
Human Rights First |
Human Rights First | Lawyers Committee for Human Rights |
Human Rights Watch |
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) |
Huntington’s Disease Society of America | National Office |
I |
Immigration & Refugee Services of America |
In Defense of Animals |
Interfaith Alliance |
International Eye Foundation |
International Fund for Animal Welfare |
International Guiding Eyes Foundation
International Medical Corps |
International Peace Academy |
International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War |
International Rescue Committee |
Izaak Walton League of America |
J |
Jane Goodall Institute |
Japan Society |
Jewish National Fund |
Jewish War Veterans of the USA |
Junior Achievement | National Office |
Junior Police Academy |
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International |
K |
Keep America Beautiful | National Office |
Kids Wish Network |
L |
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund |
Lance Armstrong Foundation |
League of Women Voters |
Legal Momentum |
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society |
Lighthouse International |
Lupus Foundation of America | National Office |
Lutheran World Relief |
M |
Make-A-Wish Foundation |
MAP International |
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation |
Marine Mammal Center |
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation |
Mays Mission for the Handicapped |
Mazon | A Jewish Response to Hunger |
Media Research Center |
Medic Alert Foundation United States |
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |
Mennonite Central Committee |
Mercy Corps |
Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund |
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research |
Miracle Flights for Kids | Angel Planes |
Mothers Against Drunk Driving |
Ms. Foundation for Women |
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation |
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America |
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation |
Muscular Dystrophy Association |
Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation |
N |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People |
NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund |
NAMI | National Alliance On Mental Illness |
National 4-H Council |
National Alliance for Autism Research |
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression |
National Alliance to End Homelessness |
National Anti-Vivisection Society |
National Arbor Day Foundation |
National Association for the Terminally Ill |
National Association of Chiefs of Police |
National Association of Police Athletic Leagues |
National Association of Police Organizations |
National Audubon Society |
National Breast Cancer Coalition |
National Cancer Coalition |
National Cancer Institute |
National Caregiving Foundation |
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children |
National Children’s Cancer Society |
National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare |
National Conference for Community and Justice |
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence | National
Office |
National Council on the Aging |
National Emergency Medicine Association | National Heart
Council |
National Federation of the Blind |
National Foundation for Cancer Research |
National Hemophilia Foundation | National Office |
National Humane Education Society |
National Jewish Medical & Research Center |
National Kidney Foundation | National Office |
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund |
National Legal Aid & Defender Association |
National Mental Health Association |
National Multiple Sclerosis Society | National Office |
National Organization for Rare Disorders |
National Organization for Women | National Office |
National Osteoporosis Foundation |
National Park Foundation |
National Park Trust |
National Parkinson Foundation |
National Parks Conservation Association |
National Relief Charities |
National Right to Life Committee, Inc. |
National Right to Work Committee |
National Society to Prevent Blindness |
National Trust for Historic Preservation |
National Urban League | National Office |
National Wildlife Federation |
Native American Heritage Association |
Native American Rights Fund |
Natural Resources Defense Council |
Nature Conservancy |
Network For Good |
North Shore Animal League of America |
Northwest Medical Teams International |
O |
Ocean Conservancy |
Omaha Home for Boys |
Operation Smile |
Opportunities for the Blind |
ORBIS International | Project ORBIS International |
OU Children's Hospital |
Oxfam |
Oxfam-America |
P |
Pacific Legal Foundation |
Paralyzed Veterans of America |
Parents Television Council |
Pathfinder International |
Pearl S. Buck International |
Penn State University Foundation |
People for the American Way |
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals |
Phoenix House Foundation |
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine |
Physicians for Social Responsibility |
PKD Foundation |
Plan USA |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America |
Ploughshares Fund |
Population Action International |
Population Communications International |
Population Connection |
Population Council |
Population Institute |
Prevent Child Abuse America |
Prison Fellowship Ministries |
Project CURE |
Project Hope |
Proliteracy Worldwide |
Public Citizen |
Puerto Rican Legal Defense & Education Fund |
R |
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy |
Rainforest Action Network |
Rainforest Alliance |
Reach Our Children |
Reach Out and Read |
Reading is Fundamental |
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic |
Red Cloud Indian School |
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice |
Research to Prevent Blindness |
Resources for the Future |
Rheumatoid Disease Foundation |
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation |
Ronald McDonald House Charities | National Office |
S |
S.O.S. Children’s Villages-USA |
SADD | Students Against Drunk Driving |
Salesian Missions |
Salk Institute for Biological Studies |
Salute America's Heroes
Salvation Army |
Samaritan’s Purse |
San Francisco AIDS Foundation |
Save the Children |
Save the Redwoods League |
Scholarship America |
Seeing Eye |
Seniors Coalition |
Seva Foundation |
Shriners Hospitals for Children |
Sierra Club |
Simon Wiesenthal Center |
Smile Train |
Southern Poverty Law Center |
Southwest Indian Foundation |
Special Olympics |
St. Joseph’s Indian School |
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital |
St. Labre Indian School Educational Association |
Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation |
Starr Commonwealth Schools |
Student Conservation Association |
Sunshine Foundation |
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation |
T |
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief (TBDR) &
Tennessee Baptist Convention |
TechnoServe |
The Jimmy Fund |
Tiger Haven |
TREA Senior Citizens League |
Trust for Public Land |
U |
U.S. Committee for Refugees
UNCF | The College Fund |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
Unite for Sight |
United Cerebral Palsy Associations | National Office |
United Jewish Communities |
United Spinal Association
United States Association for UNHCR | United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees |
United States Deputy Sheriff's Association |
United States Fund for UNICEF |
United Way of America |
USA Next | United Seniors Association |
USO | United Service Organization |
V |
Vanished Children’s Alliance |
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. |
Veterans of the Vietnam War |
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund |
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation |
Volunteers of America |
W |
Wilderness Society |
Wildlife Conservation Society |
Wishing Well Foundation USA |
Witness for Peace |
Women for Women International |
World Concern | Program of Crista Ministries |
World Emergency Relief | Children’s Food Fund |
World Jewish Congress |
World Neighbors |
World Resources Institute |
World Villages for Children |
World Vision |
World Wildlife Fund |